Sunday, September 8, 2024

Boston DA Stonewalling on Review of Farrakhan Supporter Who Remains on Payroll

News in BriefBoston DA Stonewalling on Review of Farrakhan Supporter Who Remains on Payroll

A member of a black supremacist organization that promotes hostility toward white people and Jews remains on the payroll of the district attorney’s office in Boston nearly three months after being placed on administrative leave.

Suffolk County District Attorney Kevin Hayden. (Photo by Dexter Van Zile)

Suffolk County District Attorney Kevin Hayden placed True-See Allah on leave from his post as chief of outreach for the Suffolk County District Attorney’s office on June 16 pending an investigation into an antisemitic comment he made during an interview in 2016. Allah is a member of Nation of Islam (NOI) and a vocal supporter of its leader Louis Farrakhan, a well-known black supremacist and antisemite.

James Borghesani, Hayden’s chief of communications, told Focus on Western Islamism the review that necessitated Allah’s suspension has yet to be completed.

“It will take as long as it takes,” he said on Monday.

In a 2016 interview with a local NOI leader, Allah expressed disdain for “a Jewish guy that’s got short arms and deep pockets.” This comment came to light after a Middle East Forum-produced article published in May documented Allah’s ties to the NOI and praise for Farrakhan. In a 2020 Facebook post, Allah described Farrakhan — who has said white people are “born with lie and murder in their nature” and has described Jews as the “enemies” of God — the “undisputed Champion for all of humanity.”

A state-run data base indicates that Allah remains on the public payroll, receiving his most recent paycheck on August 26, 2023. Borghesani would not offer any information on the progress of the investigation into Allah’s comments or when it will be completed.

“I’m not commenting any further,” he said. “When we have an announcement to make, we’ll make an announcement.”

Allah did not respond to a request for comment left on his voice mail at the DA’s office and his cell phone did not accept calls from FWI staffers.

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