Saturday, July 27, 2024

FWI Investigation: Iranian Regime Hosts Voting on US Soil

The Background Working through the Pakistani Consulate in Washington, D.C., the Iranian government recruited dozens of activists to operate more than 30 voting stations at hotels, mosques, churches, a California film studio—and even a car dealership in Maryland—as part of an election to choose the...

Islamists Seek to Establish Beachhead in UK Parliament: Will They Succeed?

UK Islamists and their far-left allies seek to build on anti-Israel hostility to build a presence in the British Parliament. A single organization stands at the center of this effort—the Muslim Vote (TMV). Close observation of it offers an example of the strategies that...

European Governments and Hamas after October 7: Some Progress, Much Work Remains

A spate of high-profile arrests and bannings of terror-related charities in Europe indicate that the October 7 massacre in Israel has prompted security officials...

Libyan Leader Foils Islamist Lawfare Effort

Libyan Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, a prominent opponent of the Muslim Brotherhood, has defeated an Islamist legal effort to bankrupt him. The Libyan American...

Exploring Dar Al-Farooq’s Connection to Pandemic Relief Fraud Case

Defendants and witnesses in a series of trials concerning $250 million of “misused” federal child nutrition funds have implicated a far-reaching network of organizations and individuals across Minnesota. Prosecutors have so far painted a complex...

Two New Jersey Islamist Charities Support Anti-Jewish Islamists at Home and Abroad

Two Islamist nonprofits in Teaneck, New Jersey, are driving forces behind anti-Semitic protests in the state, while also providing financial support to a 501(c) operating in Gaza with alleged ties to terror. The Al Ummah Community...

Islam: a 1400-year-old faith that includes a great range of sects and movements.


Islamism: a century-old utopian political ideology that seeks to return to past glories by imposing medieval religious laws.

The “Uncommitted” Vote Campaign was Designed to Unify Fractious Islamists

Although the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations are now secured, mainstream media continues to show significant interest in the “uncommitted” vote. Ostensibly a protest over the Biden administration’s support for Israel, an array of state-based campaigns aimed at derailing Democratic politics has picked up...

Canadian Muslims Divided Over Israel “Normalizers”

Canadian Islamists face increasing internal dissent over involvement with public figures accused of “normalizing” the state of Israel. In December, at the Reviving Islamic Spirit conference in Toronto, popular American Islamic preacher Hamza Yusuf faced disruptions from the crowd, with one protestor even setting off...

Stop This Hamas-Linked Group from Gathering in Philadelphia Suburb of Springfield

Editor’s Note: Instructions to take action and voice opposition to this event are included at the conclusion of this article. An embattled Muslim nonprofit that increasingly finds itself isolated and pushed out of social and political circles for its extremist views has found a welcoming...

Islamism Driving British Political Tumult and Violence, Politicians Warn

As an anti-Israel slogan flickered up and down London’s Big Ben and Parliament on February 21, a vote calling for a Gaza ceasefire inside the House of Commons had descended into chaos. The speaker of the House of Commons, who is sworn to provide nonpartisan oversight of parliament, backtracked on...

The U.S. Charitable Network That Subsidizes Hamas, and the Donors Behind It

An FWI investigation has uncovered over 260 million dollars sent through the 501(c) system to Hamas-aligned charities in the United States, provided by corporate foundations, employee-giving schemes, partisan community groups and a powerful array of Islamist grant-making foundations that make use of a largely-unregulated nonprofit sector. FWI’s in-depth investigation...

Top Federal Government Partner ANERA Is a Hive of Jew-Hate and Hamas-Support

In 2014, Mousa Shawwa, a charity worker, endorsed a call on social media for God to “erase the Jews.” Ten years later, the world’s...

Islamist Bullies Suffer Setback in U.K.

The Michaela Academy, a publicly-funded school operated by a private non-profit organization in London, has defeated an extremist-backed legal effort to overturn its ban...

Erdoğan Has Found Another Way to Undermine German Democracy

A new German Islamist party that is close to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has obtained authorization to participate in upcoming elections for the...

Islamist Blasphemy Brigades March on the UK

A brigade of blasphemy bullies is radicalizing Muslims in the United Kingdom. That’s the takeaway from a new report published by the Commission for...

Rep. Torres Secures $1 Million for Oct. 7 Supporters

New York Congressman Ritchie Torres has defended his decision to secure over $1 million of federal funding for a hardline Islamist organization in the...

Western Jihadis Energized by October 7 Massacre

Exactly one hundred days after the October 7 massacre, Pakistani imam Muhammad Ansar Butt approached the podium in the hall of the Brussels Regional...

The UK Government (Finally) Distances Itself from Islamists

The British government has singled out three prominent Islamist groups as part of a counter-extremist campaign announced in Parliament last month. In a move...

USAID Hands Almost $1 Million to Hamas Charity in Gaza Linked to Son of Terror Leader Ismail Haniyeh

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), along with other Western governments, has handed hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars to a terror charity...

Islamic Relief Partnered with Senior Hamas Officials, including Son of Terror Leader Ismail Haniyeh

As members of the European Parliament continued to question in January the European Union’s failure to disclose funding to a branch of the global...

Islamist Groups in Canada Receive Public Funds — Thanks to a Culture of Complacency

Canadian taxpayers are footing the bill for Islamist activism in their country via their federal, provincial, and municipal governments. Between 2018 and 2022, they...

U.S. Taxpayers Funding Anti-American Mosque in Michigan

American taxpayers have given more than $350,000 to a mosque in Michigan that has eulogized a member of a terrorist organization that has killed...

Biden Gave $5 Million to Terror-Tied Islamists in 2023 (But Still Much Less than Trump)

The federal government handed another five million dollars to Islamist organizations in 2023, FWI research has uncovered. During the entire of Biden's term so...

Islamist Propaganda Organization Promotes Divisive Agenda in New Jersey Schools

Officials in two different school systems in New Jersey have disavowed educational materials produced by a for-profit organization that promotes anti-American and anti-Israel propaganda...

Interview: UK Imam Who Took on Interfaith Industry – And Won

For an imam without a minbar (pulpit) or even a congregation to preach to, Muhammad Al-Hussaini wields real influence in the United Kingdom. After...

USAID Investigating Funding of Islamist Organization after Years of MEF Exposés

The inspector general for the federal agency charged with funding humanitarian projects throughout the world has opened an investigation into grants the agency has...

France Expels Islamist Imam Who Called for Jihad against Non-Muslims

The French authorities have deported a Tunisian imam who advocated for jihadi violence and sharia law and expressed hatred towards non-Muslims and the French...

Islamist Fury at U.K. Hizb ut-Tahrir Ban

Islamist activists and organizations in Western democracies have responded angrily to the British government’s recent decision to ban the Islamist organization Hizb ut-Tahir (HT). HT,...

Farrakhan Fan Gone from Boston DA’s Office After MEF Exposure

A vocal admirer of Louis Farrakhan has departed from his post as community outreach director for the district attorney responsible for enforcing the law...

UK Investigates Iranian-backed Islamist Incitement

Recent events in the British House of Commons demonstrate what happens when Islamists are permitted to intimidate elected representatives and undermine the democratic process....

Qatari Investment in Massachusetts Nonprofit — Primary Source — Paying Off Years Later

There is no external influence to what we are doing and we have no agenda attached to any of this.Jennifer Boyle-Nigro, Primary Source executive...

UK Interfaith Group Shutters after Failing to Condemn Hamas Massacre

A UK interfaith group founded in 1987 is closing its doors in response to the British government’s decision to halt funding to the organization...

Western Islamists Work to Build the Taliban’s Afghanistan into a Global Caliphate

An axis of Islamists in the U.S, Germany, and the United Kingdom - connected to Deobandis and international terror-tied Islamist movement Hizb ut-Tahrir -...

France’s Half-Baked Plan to Fight Islamist Separatism

A new ban on foreign-appointed imams in France is aimed at combating Islamist separatism, but the policy risks making matters worse by handing future...

UK Islamist ‘Human Rights’ Group Exploits Oct. 7

In a normal world, the atrocities perpetrated during the October 7 massacre would put Muslim-affiliated human rights organizations in the West on their back...

Western Europe’s Hamas Networks Operate Openly

After years of allowing Hamas operatives to operate on German soil, German security services officials have declared a leading activist, Majed Al-Zeer, to be...

Did Qatar Buy Munich Security Conference as It Bought 2022 World Cup?

When diplomats and security officials from countries throughout the world walk into the Hotel Bayerischer Hof in Munich, Germany, this weekend, they will likely...

Hamas Backers Descend on Tampa

In the vibrant city of Tampa, Florida, the Hyatt Place Tampa Wesley Chapel is set to host an upcoming conference organized by the Islamic...

Former Employee Defeats ‘Powerful Organization’ CAIR in Court, Fires Back With Suit of Her Own

A prominent Hamas-supporting Islamist organization is probably regretting its effort to silence a former employee by filing a defamation lawsuit against her in a...

Police Stand by as Hamas Allies Disrupt Canadian Cities

The October 7 massacre in Israel has opened a floodgate of well-organized and well-funded protests in cities across Canada. Organized by the Palestinian Youth...

Washington Examiner Calls on Senate to Block Judicial Nomination

The U.S. Senate should block the Biden Administration’s appointment of Adeel Mangi to the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the Washington Examiner declared...

Boston’s First Muslim City Councilor Cavorts with Extremists at Islamist Gala

Tania Fernandes Anderson, a “progressive” Boston City Councilor who described the October 7 massacre, rape and kidnapping of 1,200 Israeli civilians as a “military...

Eyewitness Report: London Street Demonstrators Rally for Hamas

A coalition of Islamists and hard left activists marched through London on Saturday, January 13, demanding an end to Israeli military action in Gaza. The...

Islamist Organization Accused of Financing Terrorism Ordered to Reveal Donors

An Islamist organization accused of links to the designated terrorist organization Hamas and which incites hostility toward Israel in Muslim communities throughout the United...

Photos: Pro-Hamas Islamists Rally in D.C.

Thousands of protesters thronged the streets of Washington, D.C. on Saturday to express their anger at President Biden for supporting Israel. “Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.,...

How Germany Facilitates Erdogan’s Influence

A German government plan to ease citizenship requirements for millions of Turkish immigrants, German lawmakers are warning, could lead to the creation of Germany’s...

The Uphill Struggle to Break German Ties with Hamas

Front organizations maintained by illegal Islamist organizations are continuing to conduct business-as-usual in a number of European countries, despite the efforts of counter Islamist...

CRC: The Trouble with CAIR

If the Council American-Islamic Relations was a genuine civil rights institution, Nihad Awad, the group’s national director, would have objected to the crimes perpetrated...

Terror TV Station Established in Canada, Supported by U.S. and European Radicals

A television station established by a global coalition of terror activists is operating and fundraising in Canada, assisted by a global coalition of radical...

American and Anglosphere Muslims Grapple With a Response to October 7th Attacks

The impact of the Hamas-led feast of flesh and blood on October 7th, self-labeled as the “Al-Aqsa Floods,” has had a dramatic effect on...

Iran Uses October 7 Pogrom to Ramp Up Influence Operations in U.S.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, a clerical regime facing intense challenges from its own citizens intent on freeing themselves from the yoke of Islamist...