Saturday, July 27, 2024

Susannah Johnston

Susannah Johnston is FWI's investigative reporter.

Erdogan’s Shills Lobby US Congress

In mid-June, an umbrella group of US-Islamist non-profits heavily influenced by Türkiye organized a lobbying day in the U.S. Capitol. he elephant in the room...

Voice of America Reverses Course on Khomeinist Regime ‘Lobby’ Broadcast

In a surprise reversal, the Voice of America (VOA) has reposted a lightly edited version of an episode it had previously taken down about...

Did the Voice of America Cave to Iran’s ‘Lobby’?

Voice of America (VOA), a U.S government-funded public broadcaster, has expunged a video from its website after the National Iranian American Council (NIAC) announced...

Iran’s Poorly Attended Quds Day Rallies in the West

Supporters of the Islamic Republic of Iran gathered in cities around the world to call for the destruction of Israel, the US, and the...

Meet Hamza Sodagar, Tehran’s American Mouthpiece

The Islamist regime in Iran does not lack for spokesmen willing to promote its brutal ideology in the West. In Britain, the regime spreads...

UK Islamist Group CAGE Justifies Murder of British-Israeli Family

A British advocacy organization has justified the murder of two British-Israeli civilians, one of them a minor. The two, Rina and Maia Dee, aged...

World Vision, Prominent U.S. Evangelical Charity, Caught Funding Jihadis

Since 2016, World Vision (WV), an international aid organization supported by evangelicals in the United States, has engaged in a propaganda campaign to portray...

Illinois Earmarks Funds for Jihad-Linked Mosque, Goes Silent

The Illinois legislature has repeatedly earmarked $150,000 to a mosque notorious for its ties to Hamas, a group designated as a terrorist organization by...

Canadian Islamists Celebrate Prospect of Tax-Deductible Funds Going to Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan

Islamic Relief Canada (IRC) is celebrating proposed legal changes by the Canadian government that experts fear will benefit foreign terrorist groups that exploit international...

Illinois Taxpayers Fund Jew Hatred and Black Separatism

Illinois taxpayers are currently supporting an organization that promotes the teachings of a man notorious for conspiracy theories about Jews and references to white...

Canada’s Islamists Impede the Counterjihad while Seeking Taxpayer Monies

An Islamist organization in Canada has obstructed the enforcement of anti-terror finance laws imposed after 9/11 and has convinced government officials to direct public...

Islamist in Georgia Falsely Portrays Herself as Cinderella Candidate

Georgia swore in its first female Islamist, Ruwa Romman, into public office on January 9, 2023. Despite spending years preparing herself for public life...

Tehran Threatens Iranian Dissidents in the West

Iranian dissidents living in the West continually look over their shoulders, fearful of being kidnapped or murdered by spies working for the Islamist regime...

Iran and Qatar’s Unofficial Agents in D.C.

Two American think-tanks accused of serving as unofficial agents of foreign Islamist powers are working in close partnership in an apparent reflection of broader...

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